The seller is: RodRig AS.
Organization number: 929308476
Postal address: Rogneveien 3B, 1446 Drøbak
E-mail: salg@rodrig.no
Telephone: 95121156

In the following, the seller is referred to as the seller, we or us.

Buyer is: the person stated as the buyer in the order. Buyer is hereinafter referred to as the buyer/the buyer, the customer, you, you, your or yours.


Sales conditions for Rodrig.no and the customer have been developed to take into account the parties' most important rights and obligations and are designed based on the Consumer Ombudsman's recommended sales conditions for online shopping and central legislation. The terms of purchase (terms of sale) apply to all sales of products and services from rodrig.no to consumers in Norway. The terms of purchase, together with the customer's order (confirmed through an order confirmation) form the overall contractual basis for the purchase. If you are under 18 years of age, you can only trade by getting an adult (for example, a guardian) to carry out the trade for you.

Rodrig.no only delivers to Norway. We normally also deliver to Svalbard and field post addresses. All products we sell can be used in Norway.

Consumer purchases are regulated in, among other things, the Consumer Purchases Act, the Right of Cancellation Act, the Marketing Act, the Personal Data Act and the E-commerce Act. Follow the links to these laws if you want more information about your rights and obligations when purchasing. The sales conditions and other information on rodrig.no are only available in Norwegian.

Where in these terms and conditions of sale there is a requirement to be in writing, this is fulfilled by using e-mail and/or text message to a mobile phone (SMS).


The contractual basis for purchase consists of these terms of sale belonging to Rodrig.no, information provided in the ordering solution, the customer's order and any separately agreed terms. In the event of any conflict between the information, what is separately agreed between the parties takes precedence, as long as it does not conflict with mandatory legislation.
The agreement is supplemented by relevant legal provisions that regulate the purchase of goods between traders and consumers mentioned under the above points.


Your order is binding when the order is registered on our server (computer). We are also bound by your order if it does not deviate from what is offered by us in our online store. You still have the right to withdraw from the purchase in accordance with the Act on the right of withdrawal, see further information below. When we receive your order, we will confirm the order and send you an automatic confirmation. Read the order confirmation carefully when you receive it. It is important that you check whether the order confirmation is in accordance with the order.

Deviations between your order and the order confirmation are considered a new offer from us, which you can accept or decline. You still have the right to make your original order valid as long as it is in accordance with what we have offered. Exceptions may occur, for example in the case of obvious pricing errors - see the section below on Prices.


We strive to give our customers as correct information about our products as possible. We reserve the right, however, that typographical errors may occur, which may mean that we cannot deliver according to information provided in our online store, our marketing or otherwise.
Furthermore, we reserve the right to cancel your order or part of it, if the product is sold out. In the case of out-of-stock situations, you will be notified of this, possibly together with information about a new estimated delivery date or alternative product. You will have the opportunity to accept our new offer with the changes we specify in relation to your order - or cancel the order.
If there has been a typing or printing error of a significant size on rodrig.no's part, in advertisements etc. and/or in the online store that is greater than 20% of the normal retail price, rodrig.no can unilaterally change, delete or reject orders. This applies even if the customer has received an order confirmation or similar. However, such errors must be corrected within a reasonable time after the error is discovered.


All prices are stated including VAT. and exclusive of shipping, unless otherwise expressly stated. The total cost of the purchase will be determined before ordering and includes all expenses associated with the purchase, e.g. postage, shipping, packaging etc.

Prices are constantly changing and we therefore reserve the right to change prices.
There will be no retroactive effect on price changes that occur after the time of ordering and that are not due to errors.
We reserve the right to refuse delivery of all goods based on price fluctuations and the stock situation. We also reserve the right to refuse delivery of all goods based on competition and all other reasons.

Any price changes that occur after the time of ordering that are not due to errors (see below) do not have retroactive effect.


The purchase price is settled using a bank or credit card (Visa and Mastercard). When using a card, the purchase price will be reserved on the card when ordering. The card is only charged on the same day that the shipment is made.
Unclaimed packages will be charged a fee of NOK 500, including VAT, plus round-trip shipping of valid orders to cover our costs. In the event of non-payment, the claim will, after prior notice, be sent to debt collection. Only private individuals have the right to cancel and the package must be picked up or returned by the buyer to meet the requirements of §25 of the Right of Cancellation Act.

In cooperation with Klarna (https://www.klarna.com/no/) Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden, we offer the following payment methods. Payment always goes directly to Klarna.

Here (https://www.klarna.com/no/) you will find more information about Klarna, and here (https://cdn.klarna.com/1.0/shared/content/legal/terms/0/nb_no/user ) you can read their terms of use. The use of such information is regulated in accordance with applicable privacy legislation and Klarna's privacy policy (https://cdn.klarna.com/1.0/shared/content/legal/terms/0/nb_no/privacy).


Discount codes do not apply to products that are already discounted. Discount codes are only valid for the relevant time period that is stated. Some discount codes are personal, and we reserve the right to deactivate discount codes in case of misuse. Combined use of different discount codes is not permitted.


Delivery of the products takes place in the manner, at the place and at the time indicated on the order confirmation. The risk for the goods passes to the buyer when you, or a third party designated by you, have had the goods delivered in line with the delivery conditions described above.

If the delivery of the product is delayed, we will give you information as soon as we are aware of it, together with information about and possibly when delivery can take place, or whether the product is sold out.
Depending on the nature of the product and the length of the delay, you can, depending on the circumstances, withhold the purchase price, demand delivery, demand compensation or terminate the agreement.
In the case of claims for default powers, the notice should be in writing for reasons of evidence.
All delivery times stated by us must be considered indicative. Delivery time means the time between the order confirmation being received and the item having arrived at the customer's collection point. The delivery time thus includes time for picking, packing and handing in the shipment to the carrier as well as the charterer's transport time.
When time is given in number of days, it means working days.
We reserve the right to deviate from and/or change the stated delivery time without further notice. Furthermore, we reserve the right to change the delivery time of your order or part of it, if the product is sold out. In such situations, you will be notified of this together with information about the new estimated delivery date and you will be given the opportunity to accept our new offer with the changes we specify or cancel the order.

Any deliveries to Svalbard, the Norwegian continental shelf, field post or other remote Norwegian land areas are sold without the addition of value added tax (NOTE! invoice and delivery address must be the same).


After you have received the products, as soon as there is an opportunity to do so, you should check whether the delivery is in accordance with the order confirmation, whether the products have been damaged during transport, or whether the products otherwise have faults or deficiencies and notify us of this, preferably at post@rodrig.no.


If there is a defect in the product, you must notify us within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered that you want to claim the defect.
You have always complained in sufficient time if it happens within 2 months. from the time the defect was discovered or should have been discovered. Complaints can be made no later than two years after the buyer took over the item. If the product or parts of it are intended to last significantly longer than two years, the complaint deadline is five years.
If you do not invoke a complaint in time, the right to enforce the deficiency will be lost.

If the item has a defect and this is not due to the buyer or circumstances on the buyer's side and you have complained in time, according to the Consumer Purchase Act Chapter 6, you may have the right to withhold the purchase price or choose the following:
Error correction or redelivery
The buyer can choose between demanding that the defect be rectified or delivery of similar items. The seller can nevertheless object to the buyer's claim if the implementation of the claim is impossible or causes the seller unreasonable costs. Correction or redelivery must be made within a reasonable time. In principle, the seller does not have the right to make more than two remedial attempts for the same defect.
Price reduction
The buyer can claim an appropriate price reduction if the item is not corrected or re-delivered. This means that the ratio between the reduced and agreed price corresponds to the ratio between the item's value in defective and contractual condition. If there are special reasons for this, the price discount can instead be set equal to the significance of the defect for the buyer.
If the item has not been corrected or re-delivered, the buyer can also cancel the purchase if the defect is not insignificant.

If the customer takes measures on his own initiative to remedy the defect without having agreed this with us, we will not pay for these expenses.

We pay return postage for all complaint cases where you use our return scheme in accordance with the agreement.

Complaints to us should be made in writing. We recommend that the complaint be sent to us in writing as we use e-mail as the preferred method of communication in connection with complaints and returns.

We reserve the right to forward complaints to our manufacturers or subcontractors for assessment of any errors and deficiencies.


Our guarantees apply in Norway and give the buyer rights in addition to those the buyer already has under non-derogable legislation. A guarantee thus implies no restrictions on the buyer's right to complain and claim in the event of delay or defects.


The Right of Cancellation Act gives you as a private person the right, at no extra cost, to check the product in the same way as you would have the opportunity to do in a normal shop, before it is returned within the right of cancellation. The buyer must notify the seller of using the right of withdrawal within 14 days of the deadline starting to run. The cancellation period starts to run:

When purchasing individual items, the cancellation period will run from the day after the item(s) have been delivered
If a subscription is sold, or the agreement involves regular delivery of identical goods, the deadline runs from the day after the first shipment has been delivered
If the purchase consists of several deliveries, the cancellation period will run from the day after the last delivery has been delivered

The deadline includes all calendar days. If the deadline ends on a Saturday, holiday or bank holiday, the deadline is extended to the nearest working day.
The withdrawal period is deemed to have been met if notification is sent before the end of the period. The buyer has the burden of proof that the right of withdrawal has been exercised, and the notification should therefore be made in writing (right of withdrawal form, e-mail or letter). The withdrawal period is extended to 12 months after the end of the original period if the seller does not inform the seller before the conclusion of the agreement that there is a right of withdrawal and a standardized withdrawal form. Our right of withdrawal form can be found HERE and will be attached to the order confirmation.
If the trader makes sure to provide the information during these 12 months, the cancellation period still expires 14 days after the day the buyer received the information.

When using the right of withdrawal, the goods must be returned to the seller without undue delay and no later than 14 days from the notification of the use of the right of withdrawal being given. The product is sent back to us with all accessories and in the original packaging, together with a right of withdrawal form. In order for the right of withdrawal to be exercised, the product must be delivered to us in approximately the same quantity and condition as you received it.

If all conditions related to the use of the cancellation period are satisfied, the customer must have the entire purchase price and shipping to the customer refunded. If the examination or testing of the goods goes beyond what is reasonable and necessary, the buyer may be held liable for any reduced value of the goods. In such cases, we will make a deduction from the purchase price corresponding to the item's objectively reduced value, before the rest of the purchase price and shipping to the customer is reimbursed.

The seller is obliged to repay the purchase price to the buyer without undue delay, and no later than 14 days from the seller receiving notification of the buyer's decision to exercise the right of withdrawal. The seller has the right to withhold payment until he has received the goods from the buyer, or until the buyer has submitted documentation that the goods have been sent back.

Only private individuals have the right to cancel and the shipment must be picked up or returned by the buyer to meet the requirements of Section 25 of the Cancellation Act.

We recommend that the customer repent by sending an e-mail to post@rodrig.no so that we can verify and reply with a receipt to you as proof that you have repented.

The buyer covers the direct costs of returning the item, unless otherwise agreed or the seller has failed to state that the buyer must cover the return costs.
Any return shipment must be paid for by you and the product's risk will be associated with you during the transport back to us.

We are obliged to pay you back what you have paid, including postage for the standard shipment (service package) to you, handling fees, customs duties, collection fees and the like. This only applies when the entire purchase is returned.

For certain goods, the right of withdrawal will not apply:
sealed goods that are not suitable for return for hygienic reasons and where the seal has been broken after delivery (eg safety equipment for climbing, underwear and body-hugging training clothes).
Goods that are manufactured according to the customer's specifications, so-called made-to-order purchases, (eg aluminum tubes cut to specification, special customized solutions, color combinations and/or other customer adaptations and specifications).


Anyone who carries out a transaction or who is registered as a customer at Rodrig.no is responsible for payment of the benefits in accordance with the agreement.

If the buyer does not pay or fulfill the other obligations under the agreement or the law, and this is not due to the seller or circumstances on the seller's side, the seller may, in accordance with the rules in the Consumer Purchase Act, chapter 9, depending on the circumstances, withhold the goods, demand fulfillment of the agreement, demand the agreement be canceled as well as claim compensation from the buyer. The seller will also be able, depending on the circumstances, to demand interest for late payment, debt collection fees and a reasonable fee for uncollected goods.

The seller can maintain the purchase and demand that the buyer pays the purchase price. If the goods have not been delivered, the seller loses his right if he waits an unreasonably long time to make the claim.

The seller can terminate the agreement if there is a significant payment default or other significant default on the part of the buyer. The seller cannot withdraw if the entire purchase price has been paid. If the seller sets a reasonable additional deadline for fulfillment and the buyer does not pay within this deadline, the seller can cancel the purchase.

If the buyer does not pay the purchase price in accordance with the agreement, the seller can claim interest on the purchase price in accordance with the Late Interest Act. In the event of non-payment, the claim may, after prior notice, be sent to the Buyer, who may then be held liable for fees in accordance with the Debt Collection Act.

If the buyer fails to collect unpaid goods, the seller can charge the buyer a fee. The fee shall at most cover the seller's actual outlay for delivering the goods to the buyer. Such a fee cannot be charged to buyers under the age of 18.


Rodrig.no is only responsible for loss of the product, if errors or deficiencies have been proven. However, this does not apply if Rodrig.no proves that the deficiency is due to circumstances beyond our control, and the consequences of which we could not reasonably be expected to avoid or overcome.

In the case of consumer purchases, the terms cannot be worse than the terms in the Act, cf. Act on consumer purchases of 2002-06-21 no. 34.


Is Rodrig.no prevented from delivering or making mandatory redelivery - or such a delivery obligation becomes unreasonably burdensome as a result of a labor dispute or any other circumstance when the parties cannot control it, such as fire, war, mobilization or unforeseen military calls-up of a similar scope . no exempted from all liability other than in cases of complaint and crediting the purchase price of the defective item.


Our illustration and product images may differ from the item's actual appearance.
We reserve the right for typing errors and any price changes.


Complaints are addressed to the seller within a reasonable time, cf. the above points. The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes amicably. If this is not successful, the buyer can contact the Consumer Council for mediation. The Consumer Council is available on phone 23 400 500 or www.forbrukerradet.no.


Rodrig.no reserves the right to change these terms and conditions, including as a result of changes in legislation.


All content on these websites is owned by RodRig AS or a subcontractor of the said property and is protected according to, among other things, copyright, marketing and trademark legislation. This means that trademarks, company names, product names, information about products, including mention of the products and weight, images/graphics, design and layout and other content on these websites cannot under any circumstances be downloaded, copied or used in any other way without that this is explicitly permitted under non-derogable legislation or after express prior written consent from RodRig AS. Any attempt to copy products or designs will be considered a breach of copyright.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We want to give you good help and a successful trade!